Welcome to our website

Go to the Blog Tab to keep up with the latest.

The reason for this website is to keep our family and friends updated on our adoption. We will be depending on their prayers and "shoulders to lean on" during this long, new adventure.

Another reason for the website is for those who might just stumble across it as they are looking for adoption information. May God be glorified as you follow the journey our Father has sent us on. We believe He has called us to adopt and we believe He has called us to adopt a certain precious 15 year old boy from Odessa, Ukraine. We are jumping into very unfamiliar waters and we are jumping in with both feet!

If you are one who "happens" to stumble across this page, I believe that God brought you here. I hope you know that Jesus loves you and gave His life for you. God sent Jesus to earth to be born as a man, to live on this earth, and to take our sins to the cross where He became our perfect sacrifice. That's how much He loves you. As you follow us on this journey, I hope you will see how much God leads us in our every day lives. He cares about the smallest details and our every emotion. Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us; He wants you to know that.

Oh, and I think I'll add this thought....something our pastor has been saying for the last few months as we've been learning about kings and prophets in the Old Testament. An outward sign that we are growing in our walk with God is if 

we take great risks

inside of great obedience

characterized by perseverance.

If we do any of these things without the other, it can be a disaster. If we follow how God leads, step out of the comfort of that boat that we so often cling to for dear life, it will be amazing to see what things God can AND WILL do. 

Click on the link below to hear the sermons on the Kings and Prophets....they're pretty awesome! The Word of God is very much alive. Stories you've heard all your life will still speak to you today.



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