Article archive
Answered prayer. Another prayer request.
02/06/2012 15:26
Thank you all for praying for us. As much as we would like for this process to move quickly, and as speedy and as hard as we know Alyona is working behind the scenes, this process is not going to go quickly. I thought it would be easier since he was out of the orphanage, but it’s been...
Saturday & Sunday
02/05/2012 04:41
Can you see the ice in the sea????
It’s Sunday, early afternoon, February 5th, and we just got home from walking back from church. I don’t think the temperature is as low today but the wind makes it feel very cold. The pipes broke in the apartment building somewhere this morning so now there...
Our Odessa family
02/04/2012 04:34
Our son, Brian, prayed a beautiful prayer for us yesterday and sent it to us on Facebook and it encouraged us so much. It’s a prayer that I think we will go back and re-read several times during this trip. I thought I’d start this blog off with the prayer for you to read as well. Hopefully...
Odessa; my second home
02/03/2012 06:47
Leaving Kiev was not very fun. Our flight was at 8:00 so we got up extremely early so that we could have all our stuff together, make sure the apartment was nice and clean, make sure our bed was changed, and towels washed, and ready to walk out the door at 5:15. I got up at 3:30AM....
Our time with friends in Kiev
02/03/2012 03:16
Pam and AndriyAndriy and Bill by famous actor statue
God truly blessed our time in Kiev by surrounding us with family in a city we’ve never been to before. We were never alone from the time we stepped off the airplane to the last night we were in Kiev.
After spending the first evening...
The Details
02/02/2012 03:34
Because I have a lot to tell, I'll break the writing up a little. After typing a super long update and losing it for the 2nd time (a warning saying "You must turn off your computer and turn it back on" popped up) right as I was finishing writing it, I decided not to try to re-write...
01/30/2012 17:35
so, yeah, I just wrote an awesome, beautiful (not well written, but hey, it's not Lit class, right Mr. DeFrees?) wonderful story and I just deleted it. UGGGHHHHH It's almost 1:30 in the morning here so guess what? I'm not re-writing it tonight. But, I have really cool news. God is so good. That...
We're in Kiev!
01/29/2012 15:45
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We arrived in Kiev with absolutely no complications at all yesterday, at 1:05 PM. All our planes were on time and we made it to all our gates in time, without even...
SDA appointment!
01/16/2012 09:23
We have an appointment date! We have been waiting on God's timing and trusting in Him, but it has been so hard. Knowing and believing that He is in control of the timing of the appointment date and believing He has everything in His hands, is easy to say, but is hard to rest in. Yet,...
While we Wait
12/08/2011 21:47
I'm not the most patient person in the world and I am really not that good at waiting. But.....I'm waiting. What choice do I have? It takes about 3 weeks to hear from the SDA office once the dossier is turned it. Our dossier was turned in on the Monday after Thanksgiving. That...
Items: 21 - 30 of 40